a chapter of Pine Tree Quilters Guild of Maine
What a lot of fun we had; thank you Joanne!
Participants included (front l to r) Sandy Hill, Joanne Spencer
(instructor), and Iva Kinney
(back l to r) Avis Lyko, Joline Cook, Dianne Finnegan, Mary Ann O'Brien,
Anita Johnson, Jennifer Alley, and Dwina Alley
Many participants used Bali Pops with such
luscious names as:
Spumoni, Butterscotch, Mulberry, Cappuccino, Green Tea, and Sherbet, to
name a few!
Using scraps from the Mood Swing quilt, you can make the mini
quilt, Linda's Twist, shown in the insert above.
Joline |
Dianne and birthday girl, Jennifer!
Mary Ann |
The Mood Swing workshop was based on
one of the
12 patterns featured in this book.
Leona and her wound.
Maybe those safety gloves aren't such a bad idea!
A good rotary cutting lesson for all of us—be careful,
very careful! It can happen so
quickly to any of us.
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