a chapter of Pine Tree Quilters Guild of Maine
Cat's Pajamas
Workshop & Pajama Party
with Bonnie Hunter, October 2006
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We learned a new technique
at the Cat's Pajamas Reversible Quilt-As-You-Go workshop. PLUS we had an old
fashioned pajama party―complete with our jammies, machines and
munchies. There was people's choice judging for 3 categories of
pajamas with winners receiving some funny "sleepy-time" prizes. The
workshop for the evening was "The Cat's Pajamas,"
a charming
little quilt-as-you-go project perfect for that new baby.
Admission for the evening was non-perishable breakfast foods for the local food pantry.
More pictures on the
October 2006 Show & Tell page.
A few of the Cat's Pajamas quilts (in
progress) at our recent pajama party/workshop. Front row (l to r)
Jen Lacasse, Leona Juranty, Liz Trouant, Eva Severance, and Lindy Hatt.
Middle row (l to r) Sandy Hill and Anita Johnson. Back row (l to r)
Jan Beane, Jean Herrick (hiding behind her yellow and brown teddy bear)
Joline Cook and Teresa Porter.
Pajama contest winners (l to r) include
Lynda Coffey
(funniest pajamas); Mary Ann O'Brien (prettiest pajamas)
Jan Beane (most comfortable looking pajamas).
Joline Cook and Lynda Coffey do some
measuring and
re-measuring before squaring up Joline's center block. |
Complete in bedtime wear, Anita Johnson and
Sandy Hill work on reversible baby quilts.
Jen Lacasse shows her almost finished quilt.
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