Twin Mountain Blueberry Coffee Cake
Bonnie Hunter
BHQM E-Newsletter Issue #8

I was given this recipe many years ago by Priscilla Pyle, a wonderful cook who volunteer at the Calais Regional Hospital's Coffee Shop.  It was always a favorite coffee-break snack with co-workers when I worked there.

Combine the following dry ingredients in medium bowl:

2 cups flour
1 cup white sugar
3 tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. salt

Cut in:

½ cup shortening


2 beaten eggs
1 cup milk

Stir into flour-shortening mixture above

Fold in:

1 ½ cup fresh blueberries

Divide batter between two greased 9" round layer cake pans.  Sprinkle ½ cup coconut evenly over each top (for a total of 1 cup coconut).  Bake at 375° for 25 minutes. 

You may prefer sprinkling sugar on one before baking, coconut on the other, or sugar on both.