St. Croix International Quilters
Quilt Pink
Saturday, October 3,
Recreation Hall, Calais Methodist Homes,
Calais, Maine

Here's the crew: sitting l to r Dana Bard, Sue Dible, Leona
Juranty, Shirley Slauenwhite, Lynda Coffey and Joanne Spencer;
standing Mary Ann O'Brien and Theresa Wright. Bonnie Hunter
also participated and took the picture.
The quilt will be donated to the
County (NB) Cancer Society
to benefit breast cancer

Leona showing Mary Ann how to piece the quadrants together

Dana led the workshop using a pattern
called "Mod Quad"

Dana holds a small section of the
quilt in progress

Bonnie stitches a block

Shirley stitches the last seam as
Joanne holds on


All finished! |
a very big
to Dana for organizing the workshop and
to everyone else who helped make
Quilt Pink Day a success!
Thanks to your help, we're
fighting breast cancer
one quilt at a time.