a chapter of Pine Tree Quilters Guild of Maine
Watermelon Picnic Workshop
taught by Bonnie Hunter August 2019
This easy scrap quilt by Teri Christopherson featured simple log
cabin blocks with appliqued seeds for a sweet finishing touch.
Members were prepared to do some sewing, have a picnic lunch and
enjoy lots of watermelon fun and prizes!
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Joline, Jude and Joanne
Marilyn, Bev, Kathy, Toni and Lisa
Door prizes were found in the Watermelon Patch
Anita and Rits sewing and Toni filling our tickets for the
picnic basket drawing
Pam and Mary did a bit of hand piecing
Bonnie made a watermelon tablerunner during the workshop
In addition to a variety of sandwiches and lunches, our picnic
included lots of fresh watermelon, watermelon sorbet and watermelon juice.
Jude won the basket while Leona and Joline discovered ants at
the picnic!
Only a small sampling of the dozens of log cabin blocks made at
the workshop; great job girls!
Finished Watermelon Picnic quilt tops shown at the August Show &
Tell--Leona and Joanne
Anita, of course, made 2!
Thank You, Bonnie! |
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