a chapter of Pine Tree Quilters Guild of Maine

Special Events 2019

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Feztival of Trees:  A Homemade Christmas

Our entry in the 2019 Feztival of Trees event sponsored by Anah Shrine the first weekend in December at Washington County Community College.  Proceeds will be used by the Shriners for their many projects.  A lucky ticket holder will win the tree, all decorations and everything under the tree.  The winner was Katie Smith.


2019 Raffle Ticket Sales

Joline and Bonnie manned the table at the recent craft fair where they sold tickets on a "Dove in the Window" quilt to benefit the Ronald McDonald Charities in both Maine and New Brunswick.

Woodland 2019

Jude and Bonnie sold raffle tickets at the Woodland Craft Fair.

Grand Lake Stream Folk Art Festival

For the second year, members of St. Croix Quilters were asked to fill the quilt tent at the annual Folk Art Festival in Grand Lake Stream, ME.  Members and friends displayed many stunnings works and several were sold to festival goers. 



Presentation of Hospice Quilts

At our June business meeting, over 40 quilts were presented to representatives from Hospice organizations from Charlotte County, NB and Washington County, ME.  Pictures above include Barbara Barnett, Marlene Wilbur, Wanda Pollock, Cathy Jackson and Susan Schnier.

18" Doll and Wardrobe Raffle

Members have gone above and beyond creating a collection of hand-made clothes and accessories to fit an 18" doll (like American Girl and others).  In addition to the doll in the box wearing red glasses (the brunette is not part of the raffle, but her gown and fur stole are), the raffle also includes lots and lots of clothes, shoes, suitcase, set of drawers, wooden wardrobe with hangers and bed complete with pillow, sheets and quilt.

See any member for tickets ($1 each or 6/$5); the drawing will take place the afternoon of July 28 at the Grand Lake Stream Folk Art Festival. 
Proceeds will be used for our Hospice Fund.  The winner of the raffle was Bonnie Hunter.

A New St. Croix Quilters Outreach Program:
Quilting in the Schools

Since January, several members have organized and conducted sewing classes during after-school programs at three local elementary schools, Woodland, Princeton and Calais.  Pictured above is Jane Eaton helping a Calais student make a drawstring bag.

Teddy Bear Drive

We collected 54 stuffed animals to donate to the Calais Regional Hospital Emergency Dept.  Thank you to everyone who helped.